The Power of True Love |
The Power of True Love
Bernie and Elaine Lof-chick of Winnipeg are the parents of David, born with cerebral palsy. Thirty doctors advised them to put him in an institution. But when David was two, the Lofchicks managed an appointment with a noted specialist. They went to Chicago for the comprehensive examination. Dr. Pearlstein spelled out the treatment required if David was to make the progress he knew David could make.
The prime factor was consistency. If they skipped a single daily exercise or failed to keep one daily regimen, David would experience a setback. For example, they were to put heavy braces on his legs, and tighten them every night. Consequently the pain constantly increased for David. Many, many times cute little David would plead, "Mom, do you have to put them on to-night?" But his parents said "no" to the tears of the moment so they could say "yes" to the laughter of a lifetime.
Today, barrel-chested David weighs in at 195 pounds and is the top condominium salesman with Winnipeg's number one real estate firm. Through faithful reliability, Bernie and Elaine, along with David, overcame the problems to achieve success.
—Zig Ziglar in Success Without Guilt
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