Who is Carol Solomon?
Carol Solomon, Ph.D. is a personal and professional coach who specializes in helping people lose weight and eliminate food and weight issues. Carol works with individuals who want to incorporate a healthy lifestyle, decrease stress and strengthen their resources.
By going from food obsessive to charge neutral (i.e. Did I eat today?), she became dedicated to making it easy for others to step off the vicious cycle and live free of anxiety about food and weight. She produces a weekly email newsletter "Slim Forever" with over 14,000 subscribers. (Carol's bio continued below)
The Power of Mastering Your Weight!
Carol is the author of "Lose Weight Now . . . Stay Slim Forever," a practical "how-to" manual for learning to lose weight without dieting.
Her 2nd book, the "Slim Forever Collection" is a collection of 50 articles that her readers have said made the biggest impact in their lives and offered the most encouragement.
Carol is also proficient with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) which can help stop immediate food cravings, stop binge eating, and reduce the intensity of emotions that lead to the urge to reach for food. These techniques help people ward off the urge for sweets, stop sabotaging themselves and increase motivation.
With 25 years experience in helping people find solutions and make positive life changes, Carol is a natural teacher and coach. She enjoys a thriving coaching practice and is passionate about helping others succeed. Carol has a warm and genuine personal style and an enthusiastic love of learning.
Carol is a licensed psychologist, consultant, author, and group leader. She was chosen as a trainer in the Authentic Happiness Coaching program led by Dr. Martin Seligman. She is on the faculty of the MentorCoachT program. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the International Coach Federation, and the National Register of Health Service Providers. Carol's passions in life are her family and friends, tennis, music and spending time in nature.
Register for her free email newsletter SLIM FOREVER at http://www.lose-weight-now-stay-slim-forever.com
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