Who is Dorothy Leeds?
Dorothy Leeds, the Questioning Crusader, “infotainer,” and best-selling author of The 7 Powers of Questions, PowerSpeak, and Smart Questions: The Essential Strategy for Successful Managers, and Marketing Yourself, provides keynotes and workshops for organizations like IBM, Boeing, Pfizer, Verizon, Clemson University, The CIA, and associations like The AMA, National Assn. of Electrical Distributors, The American Lung Assn., Women’s Council of Realtors and more. She works with sales people and all executives who must communciate to succeed whether speaking at meetings, annual meetings, sales conferences, or just leaving effective voice messages.
The Power of Questioning
A wife and mother, Dorothy’s had several successful careers, has triumphed over cancer, is an avid jogger, and overcame a passive, depressed, unassertive childhood to become an inspirational, energetic, internationally acclaimed author and keynote speaker.
Dorothy integrates proven theatrical, creative learning techniques to multiply and accelerate your learning and retention.
She can be reached at 212 864-2424 or visit her website at www.dorothyleeds.com.
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