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Who is Pat Baccili?

Pat Baccili Dr. Pat Baccili was born in NYC and lived on the East Coast until 1992 when a corporate downsizing turned her life “downside up.” She intuitively knew that she was at a crossroads in her life and remembers asking herself the question, “Do I sit here and blame the company, my boss and God for the situation or do I try something else?” Deciding on that ‘something else’ put Pat on the path to doing the work she loves. That work is to help people and organizations remove limiting beliefs and explore the world of unlimited potential

As Pat tells it, in 1993 she picked herself up, packed a moving truck and drove across the country to Seattle, one of the places she had always wanted to live, and began to do the things that she always wanted to do. One of those things was to go back to school for her Ph.D., a dream that she had since age 23. In 1994 she did just that!

“I truly believe it’s possible to live the life you love, to feel alive each morning and to look back at the day with deep gratitude.” - Pat Baccili

The Power of Crust Busting
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Click here to buy Pat's Book: Cooming Soon! Crust Busting

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